The easiest way to pay for your account is to enable automated credit card payments. If you signed up using a credit card, this was enabled by default, and we will send you an email receipt with each payment.
If you do not have a credit card on file or have disabled this service, you may make a manual payment at using the invoice number and amount due emailed to you. You may also click “Current invoice” in myCP to get this information. If you have a credit card on file but are not billed automatically, you may also easily pay your bill by clicking the payment link.
If you wish to change your payment method, simply open a support request in myCP under the billing category, or email To update your credit card on file, click “Billing information” in myCP and your new card will be added instantly.
We now offer Paypal as a means to pay your invoices. You would need to contact our billing department for more details. Due to the service charges Paypal adds, we would need to add this to the invoice as well.