Re-allocating storage to your sub-accounts:

Within the limit defined above for each account, you have the ability to re-allocate that quota to your sub-accounts if you wish to limit the amount of storage your sub-accounts use. From the Email Admin menu on the left, click [Domains] to display a list of domains under your control. Click on the domain name of the sub-account you wish to adjust the storage quota for. Under the Quota Information section, enter the number of megabytes you want to allocate. A -1 value means there is no restriction, and this sub-account can use whatever is available up to the limit of the parent account on a ‘first come, first serve’ basis. Click on the [Update Domain Settings] button to save your change.


Re-allocating storage to individual users

This feature is intended to help account administrators restrict the usage of certain run-away accounts. For example, if a domain has a total of 50MB allocated and it has 10 users, the postmaster can set each user to use a maximum of 10MB. This means that no user can use more than 10MB, but does not mean that 10MB is reserved for that user. If you are not concerned about certain users consuming too much disk quota, leave this value at 0 (the default). 0 means the user can use whatever is available on a first come first serve basis.

From the Email Admin menu on the left, click [User Admin] -> [List Users] or [Search Users] to display the user you wish to allocate quota. Click on the username of interest to bring up the User Add/Edit form. Go to the User Disk Quota field and fill in the desired disk quota for this user. Click the [Add/Update User] button to save your change.

Specify an e-mail address for quota warning messages

As mentioned above, when your usage reaches 85% of your quota, a warning E-mail will be issued automatically to the E-mail address you specified or to the postmaster of your domains. This works for the re-allocated quota as well. That is, if your account originally has 200MB, you re-allocate 50MB to your sub-account, if that domain uses up 42.5MB (85% of 50MB), a warning E-mail will be sent to the address specified for that domain. If this address is not specified, the E-mail is sent from the postmaster address of that domain. No warning is issued to sub-accounts if NO quota is re-allocated.

To specify an E-mail address for quota warning messages, from the Email Admin menu on the left, click Domains to display a list of domains under your control. Click on the domain name of the domain (either for main account or sub-account) you wish to specify an E-mail address for. Scroll down to the Quota Information section, enter the E-mail address that will receive the quota warning E-mail in the Quota Warning E-mail field. Click the Update Domain Settings to save your change.