How do I update Ubuntu?

This can be done by first logging to your Ubuntu system via ssh as root or as any user with ‘sudo’ privileges and execute either “apt-get update” as root or “sudo apt-get update” at the command line prompt. Information will be output on your screen showing information associated with accessing the package sources and when […]

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How do I update CentOS?

First login to your CentOS server as the root user. Execute the command “yum update -y” and you should see output similar to the following:   # yum update -yLoaded plugins: fastestmirrorDetermining fastest mirrors * base: * updates: * addons: * extras: mirrors.usc.edubase                                                     | 1.1 kB     00:00     primary.xml.gz                                           | 878 kB     00:00     […]

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How do I update Debian?

First login to your Debian system as root and execute “apt-get update” at the shell prompt. Information will be output on your indicating that sources for updates are being accessed and when complete the message will be displayed as follows:   Reading package lists… Done   After the updates have successfully been downloaded, execute “apt-get […]

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