This is the basic principle:  the faster your port speed, the more information you will be able to transfer. As the speed of your port increases, so does the efficiency and speed of your traffic and data transfer.

  • No Uplink Port Upgrade – If you opt not to get the upgrade, your port will be operating at 10 Mb/s
  • 100 Mb/s Uplink Port Upgrade (standard for higher tier server orders)
  • 1000 Mb/s (GigE) Uplink Port Upgrade
  • 10,000 Mb/s (10 GigE) network port upgrade (special order, but is available)

If you have any questions pertaining to special orders we recommend contacting one of our friendly Sales Representatives using the live chat feature located on the website. You may also reach them at as well as 1.888.354.6128.x1.