WHM provides you an easy interface to add and remove php and Apache modules, aptly named “EasyApache.” In order to take advantage of EasyApache to it’s fullest, it is suggested you visit http://twiki.cpanel.net/twiki/bin/view/EasyApache3/WebHome and review the documentation. Since most people will only need a couple of modules installed, we’ll run through the process here.


Start by searching for and clicking EasyApache in the Find box in the upper left corner of your WHM session:

Next up, click “Start customizing based on profile” to begin customizing your options.

Next select the version of Apache you’ll be using. As of this writing 2.2 is preferred since it’s recent and supports everything needed.

Next select the version of PHP you’ll be using. Be sure the version you select matches any PHP applications you’ll be using on the server.

Select the minor version of PHP you’ll be using.

Finally, you’ll have a short list and an option for an exhaustive list of php modules: be sure you only select what you know you’ll need. Once you’ve selected your required modules on either the short or exhaustive list, you’ll see “Save only (Do NOT build)” or “Save and build” buttons at the bottom of the page.


NOTE: If your website/system is under load and you need to compile Apache later (it can take a lot of system resources), select Save Only. If you’re ready to build now, select Save and build and allow apache to recompile.

Do not shut the system down or modify any apache configurations at this time
! If for any reason Apache does not finish it’s compilation, please contact the Superb technical support department.