You can easily install the necessary updates, control panel add-ons, and even upgrade your control panel to the latest available release using Parallels Plesk Panel Updater function within your Plesk control panel.

To upgrade your Parallels Plesk Panel or update its components:

  1. Login to Plesk, go to Home -> Updates (in the Help & Support group). The control panel connects to the Parallels official update server at URL, retrieves information on the available releases, then analyzes the components installed in the system and displays the lists of available releases and component updates. For each release a brief description of available operations is displayed.
  2. Select the release version that you want to update, or upgrade to and a list of available components will appear.
  3. Select the check boxes corresponding to the components you wish to install and click “Install”. A confirmation screen will appear.
  4. Specify your e-mail address. You will be sent a notice by e-mail once the update is completed. To confirm installation of the selected components, select the check box and click “OK”. The components/updates you selected will be downloaded and automatically installed in the background.

Notes on updating procedures:

When upgrading to a new control panel version, you will be notified by e-mail of upgrade procedure start and end. The notification message will include the event log and a list of installed packages if the upgrade is successful, however, you may not receive any error notice if your mail server fails. In this case you can check for errors in the autoinstaller.log file located in the /tmp directory on the server hard drive.

All control panel operations are suspended during installation of the so-called “base” packages that affect the control panel’s core functionality.

If you need to install a new license key after upgrading, then you will need to open a Support ticket with us requesting a new license. Please specify the version you upgraded from and the currently upgraded version. A technician will retrieve the new license key and attach it to the ticket. You can then follow the instructions for installing your Plesk license key.